Endurance training sessions place substantial metabolic demand on skeletal muscle, which include the depletion of fuels and damage or disruption to muscle and body proteins.
It is well accepted that protein ingestion following lifting weights increases the rate of skeletal muscle protein synthesis and augments gains in muscle mass and strength.
Just as importantly, but much less discussed, is the the ability of dietary protein to enhance skeletal muscle remodelling and stimulate adaptations that promote endurance characteristics in the working muscles.
Increasing nutrient availability (i.e., carbohydrates and protein) in the post-training recovery period is important to replenish substrate stores and facilitate repair and remodelling of skeletal muscle, so that it becomes increasingly aerobic in it's function.
Recent investigations into endurance training and taking supplemental protein have advanced our knowledge.
The ingestion of 30-40 grams of high quality whey protein immediately after strenuous training sessions, and then another 30-40 grams two hours later, can facilitate muscle remodelling by promoting muscle protein synthesis which increases endurance training adaptation.
This simple nutritional strategy is a very easy way to ensure that we get the most out of every session and is also a practice used at the top level in every endurance sport.