This March, in celebration of International Women's Day, we’re partnering with Women’s Legal Service QLD (WLSQ) and donating 10% of all our sales to raise funds for the crucial and important work that they do.

WLSQ is a for-purpose organisation providing free, time-critical legal assistance to more than 50 women per day experiencing the devastating affects of family violence. Services are provided through their dedicated staff and volunteers.

WLSQ are often the first point of contact for people who live and identify as women in Queensland seeking assistance, or their last resort when all other attempts to seek legal assistance have failed.

WLSQ have special concern for all women and children who face additional discrimination for reasons such as, but not limited to, poverty, destitution, social class, race, age, religion, disability, and sexuality.

Unfortunately, more than 30% of Women’s Legal Service calls go unanswered due to lack of resources and increasing need throughout the pandemic.

Power yourself and empower women and children survivors.
support and shop now

Our recipe uses lashings of research and integrity, formulated with your very best health in mind.


Our whey comes from 100% healthy and well cared for Australian grass-fed dairy cattle. Our suppliers have a zero tolerance policy for any act of animal cruelty and the farms are routinely audited to ensure they are complying with excellent animal care standards. The dairy cows graze on the lush pastures of the south-western coast of Victoria. Being certified pasture-fed, means that for at least 70% of any year the cows diet consists of only the naturally occurring grass in the field in which they live. Outside of this, at times of the year when grass does not flourish, they are fed green vegetation (known as silage). In rare and extreme conditions such as drought, the cows will be fed Australian grains as a means of preservation.


We want to provide something truly enjoyable that will benefit your health, wellness and fitness. We will go to whatever measures necessary to do so. This means we don't go for cost cutting alternatives at the expense of your best interest - your health. We also won't use trickery to have you believe that you are consuming something good when in fact it is not. We will always be honest and provide you with all the information about our ingredients and the reasons why they appear in our products.


We are only interested in foods that are real, and don't mess up our gut flora. There is a problem in our current food industry that values dollars over health, and this is why we are having so many issues with the natural functions of our bodies. We make sure that our tastes are real which is why it's SO YUMMY. Our vanilla beans are straight from the vines and ground finely. Our cocoa beans are harvested organically and made from traditional methods for an intense flavour. The reason why the finest restaurants in the world use farm-to-table ingredients is simply because it's better. This is why we do this too.