Rachel Boutagy

Rachel is an Exercise Scientist, Fitness Trainer, Wife and Mum to two beautiful daughters. Having been qualified in exercise science for over 25 years, she's been fortunate to work alongside some of the leading authorities in the fitness industry. Rachel has a wealth of knowledge in health and nutrition, through her significant amount of evidence based research she has conducted throughout the years.

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The secret behind our amazing Vanilla Bean protein!

The-secret-behind-our-amazing-Vanilla-Bean-protein Australian Natural Protein Company
We are uncompromising when it comes to your health, which is why we don't use "natural flavours", we use REAL ingredients, such as REAL vanilla bean.

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We feel very strongly about not using 'natural flavours' in our blends because we want to use the real thing.

Most protein powders out there add a cheap natural vanilla extract, AKA 'natural flavours' to maximise their profit margins. We prefer maximising health and better quality supplements because we wanted to make something truly beneficial. So we use true blue Pure Vanilla Bean.

Nothing fake about it.

However there is a reason behind why other brands don't use real vanilla bean. There is a vanilla bean crisis, and it doesn't look like prices will go down anytime soon.

Take one Madagascan vanilla bean crisis, and add that to an already very fragile and volatile global vanilla market, and you will have the highest vanilla bean prices experienced to date.

Prices have increased so dramatically over the last 5 years (and we mean upwards of US$650 per kilo), that most food companies are being forced into sourcing cheaper alternatives to protect their bottom line. One of those ways is to use 'natural vanilla flavour' either as a replacement for vanilla bean, or to enhance the flavour of a 'downgraded' vanilla bean supply. 

We have a commitment to the quality of the real foods that we use in our blends, and after trialling cheaper commercial grade vanilla powders, we are unable...or more correctly...unwilling to compromise on the quality.

We care about what you consume and are uncompromising when it comes to your health.

As big foodies we are unbending when it comes to quality and flavour. We are transparent about our products and apply integrity first in all our actions.

Despite the soaring vanilla bean prices, we have decided to keep using the premium grade vanilla bean powder that you have enjoyed in our Pure Vanilla Bean blend and we will absorb as much of the increased cost as possible, passing only the necessary amount to our customers.

If you would like to make comment or ask a question on this topic, please direct your email to our team at info@ausnaturalprotein.com

If you would like read more about the vanilla bean crisis and factors that have contributed to the the increase in price, please continue reading.


The Vanilla Bean Crisis

Madagascar, the world’s top producer of vanilla (approximately 80% of the world’s supply) was struck by Cyclone Enawo in May 2017, which devastated the town of Antalaha and surrounding regions leading to the global vanilla market eclipsing the high prices of 2003.

As a result, the 2017 Madagascar crop was predicted to be the worst quality crop delivered to the market in decades. In Madagascar, green vanilla beans near roads or populated areas are being harvested as immature beans to reduce the risk of theft. This situation is estimated to reduce the expected crop size by at least 30% and create a further shortage, decreasing the quality on the global market.

The quick curing of green vanilla in Madagascar and other countries is a practice that has contributed to the current state of the market. It has an extremely negative social impact on the vanilla trade, as ethical and sustainable procurement practices have been abandoned in favour of ‘any vanilla at any price’.

Our supplier, a small grower and producer, who pride themselves on producing quality vanilla products by way of sensible and fair purchasing - have found these times both frustrating and challenging.

However they are uncompromising on upholding their ethical values, which we are all about 🙌 The farmers are valued, and dedicated craftspeople tending to each vanilla plant where beans take 3-5 years to grow. The vanilla bean is completely unrefined and uses innovative methods to foster the best natural taste.

This vanilla bean is of the highest calibre, which is added to desserts in the finest restaurants of the world.

Despite the vanilla bean crisis. We will continue to support our supplier for their awesome work, and provide our customers with the best product we can make.

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