Ashleigh Feltham

Ashleigh is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and owner of Feed Your Future Dietetics. She holds a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics and a Bachelor of Human Nutrition. Ashleigh is also a qualified personal trainer and group fitness instructor and has been working in the fitness industry for over 15 years. Ashleigh was an elite gymnast as well as an elite rock climber where she represented Australia for five years. She believes everyone deserves to live a life of health and wellness. Ashleigh is passionate about helping people achieve their highest quality of life through nutrition, mental health and exercise. For more info: or follow her on IG or FB @FeedYourFutureDietetics.

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    4 ways to manage a case of the munchies.

    4-ways-to-manage-a-case-of-the-munchies. Australian Natural Protein Company
    Are you one of the many that falls victim to a case of the munchies? You are not alone if you feel the need to reach for that chocolate bar under your desk just after eating lunch, the good news is there are ways you can train your body to steer clear of falling victim to the munchies.

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    Meal Combinations to Stay Fuller for Longer

    There are components to a meal that your body needs for long term fullness. Firstly protein, this should be a lean protein such as chicken breast, eggs, tofu, cheese, yoghurt or beans.

     A great way to boost your protein in a meal or snack is by adding a scoop of Aus Natural Protein Whey Protein. Each 30g serve gives your body 20g of complete protein.

    Australian Natural Protein Company Whey Protein goes perfectly on top of cereal, in your muffin recipe, into a smoothie bowl or in your smoothie.

    Find our recipes to make delicious protein rich snacks here: Aus Natural Protein Recipes.

    Secondly, whole grains which are often ignored for refined and less filling alternatives like white rice, pasta, or bread.

    Thirdly, remember your veggies or fruit as these groups contain fibre which equals long term fullness.

    Try to break up every meal with ¼ protein, ¼ whole grains and the rest vegetables or a piece of fruit.

    Plan to Beat your Triggers

    If you know what triggers you can’t ignore, plan to beat them.

    If having a block of chocolate in your desk draw means that you can’t stop yourself eating the whole bar, then chose not to buy the chocolate at all.

    Another strategy when the munchies come can be brushing your teeth or drinking a glass of warm water.

    If you find you are using food as an emotional support, try making a list of ways you can express or release this emotion in non-food ways.

    Ideas can be going for a walk, meditation, taking a bubble bath, colouring in, playing with your pet or exercising in a fun way like dancing.

    Take home message: You are not alone if you feel the munchies, the key is to eat smart and plan to beat the triggers.

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